Is this the kind of thing Leslie grew up with?
I mean, it’s not bad, just…unusual.
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Is this the kind of thing Leslie grew up with?
I mean, it’s not bad, just…unusual.
Never take someone else’s meds.
It is still so mesmerizing!
Thanks for the mention, and it’s cool you did this, but I didn’t mind the slower pace you had gone for the artist shoutouts before. Although, some artists you had mentioned here are mentioned in your earlier podcasts so who knows.
I mean it in the best way possible when I say this sounds like a very personal character. Also, welcome to the site.
I think Vicky looks better flat, jus’ sayin’.
I swear if this design change will cause some huge division in this community then I'm gonna laugh
Good color choice for the prints. Thank you for considering my suggestion.
A lot of suggestive art; if you are under 17, please leave.
Joined on 9/11/19